Jackson 731-256-0023
Clarksville 931-683-0070

How to Stay Amicable During a Divorce

Is it possible to have an amicable divorce? The short answer to this is yes, it is, however; this is entirely up to you and your spouse. An amicable or civil divorce is where both spouses agree on all matters regarding asset and property division, child custody and visitation, child support, and spousal support and come to an agreement reasonably without going to court.

You might be wondering how it is possible to remain amicable and resolve your divorce in a civil manner. Today, we review the top 5 tips on how to do so.

Top 5 Tips for Keeping a Divorce Amicable

Agree to be transparent

Divorce can quickly become contentious when one spouse is not honest about assets such as hidden property, debts, and/or overseas bank accounts. To remain amicable during divorce, you need full financial disclosure. One piece of advice is to create a document listing all the debts, property, and other items you acquired while married. You can break these down into joint and separate assets and review them together to ensure your lists match up. From there, you can add up what the assets are worth and divide them accordingly.

It is important to avoid hiding information because you want to keep assets to yourself. This will cause disputes and additional headaches in court. It will also cause a breach in trust with your spouse who then be less willing to negotiate other details of your divorce amicably.

If you are confused about which assets are considered joint or separate, need help organizing your finances, or have any questions related to property division, it would be beneficial to hire an experienced attorney and, potentially, a financial advisor.

Do not rush to a resolution

While it would be nice to resolve a divorce as quickly as possible, this is not always the case. Be patient with your spouse as you determine what your best next steps are as you figure out how to navigate the process of divorce. As this is a transition period, it is best to remember that things in your life will be shifting. Taking the time to consider what is in your and your family’s best interests for the following years to come is one of the most important parts of this process.

Additionally, pushing your spouse to come to a resolution quicker is a sure way to spark a dispute. The odds of your divorce being amicable increase if you give your spouse the time and space to process the divorce. However, this should be within a reasonable time limit, so consult with your attorney if this starts to be a problem.

Seek out legal advice

It is always a good idea to consult with a lawyer before you handle a legal matter – even if you think you and your spouse want to resolve your issues by yourselves. Staying out of court does not mean you do not need legal advice from a reputable lawyer. Your divorce agreement needs to be approved by a judge, so it would benefit you to understand how to ensure this will happen. You do not want to create an agreement with your spouse only to find out it will not be granted and then must start over again.

Also, unless you are a lawyer yourself, you do not have a good understanding of local and state divorce and family laws. It would be both time-consuming and frustrating to make a mistake in your divorce agreement because you were unaware of a certain law.

A lawyer can also help with various alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation and arbitration if you and your spouse are finding it difficult to resolve your issues.

Prioritize your needs

Divorce is not an easy transition to go through, but it does not have to be a difficult one either. Prioritize taking care of yourself throughout the process, so that you will have the time and energy to negotiate with your spouse. Practice self-care, ensure you are getting enough sleep, exercise, connect with loved ones, and, if it makes sense to you, consider hiring a therapist or a divorce counselor to speak with about what you are going through. You can bounce ideas off a therapist or counselor who can then provide you with constructive feedback.

Be prepared to negotiate

While you do not need to give up everything you want during a negotiation session, it is helpful to go in without having too many expectations. You and your spouse will need to communicate effectively and be prepared to take some wins and losses along the way. It is helpful to be patient, understanding, and practice good listening skills while negotiating. If you are finding it difficult to negotiate in a friendly manner, you can hire the services of a mediator to assist you through this process.

Consult with an Experienced Attorney at Our Firm

These steps will be helpful to consider as you navigate your divorce, however; it is imperative to ensure you also consult with an experienced attorney beforehand. Our attorneys have over 30 years of experience helping individuals like yourself find amicable resolutions to their problems. We are wholeheartedly dedicated to our clients and their needs – no matter how complex your family law matter.

With locations in Clarksville and Jackson, we serve clients throughout West and Central Tennessee.

Contact us online today or give us a call at (731) 256-0023 to book a free, initial consultation.
